Best Flushing Toilets

How Much Antifreeze Is Safe To Put In Toilets?

Last Updated on January 24, 2024

When the weather goes below 0°C, the temperature becomes so low that the remaining water in the toilet pipe turns into ice, which badly affects the toilet pipe by rusting or corroding. Preventing the toilet pipes from freezing is the best way to eliminate the frozen pipes issue. Otherwise, you must go through a terrible repair process.

How much antifreeze can I put in my toilet?

Antifreeze is good, but choosing the perfect antifreeze type is necessary. Some antifreeze types are unsuitable for use in your toilet because they contain ethylene glycol. This ingredient is toxic and corrosive. So, it can be harmful to the sewer pipes of the toilet.

On the other hand, propylene glycol is completely safe as antifreeze. You should apply a sufficient amount of this ingredient and mix it with the remaining clean water in the toilet. About three cups of antifreeze are safe for every single toilet. But you must use propylene glycol as an anti-freezer because toxic ethylene glycol used in cars is not safe for the environment. This amount is sufficient to protect the toilet from any harmful damage. But if the amount of antifreeze is too high, it will kill the helpful bacteria and damage the septic system.

How can I defrost my toilet plumbing pipe?

First, you have to collect the following items to antifreeze your toilet:

  1. A bottle or pack of RV antifreeze
  2. A plastic bucket
  3. A plastic siphon pump.
  4. A toilet auger

Step 01: Empty the toilet bowl & pour antifreeze

First, take the plastic siphon pump, put its input into the toilet bowl, and its output into an empty bucket. Now, press the siphon pump with pressure.

You can see that the water from the toilet bowl inside is coming into the bucket. When the toilet bowl is totally empty, you can wipe the surface with a paper towel.pour antifreeze

Take a new, sealed antifreeze bottle. Pour the antifreeze liquid directly into your toilet bowl.

Step 02: Use toilet auger

You can also use a toilet auger to clear a clogged toilet caused by freezing weather. Hold the auger firmly in your hand and press it firmly. If the auger is in a perfect position, it will create the perfect water force in the toilet pipe and clean the blocked area.Use toilet auger

Step 03: Flush the toilet

You can notice that the color of the flushing water is the same as the antifreeze color because you poured antifreeze into the tank, and you are flushing with the same water. Now, the antifreeze will start working, and finally, the toilet can remove all the frozen parts from its pipe.Flush the toilet

How do you tell if the toilet pipe is frozen?

It is easy to understand the symptoms of a frozen toilet pipe. The plumbers can easily understand it. But how can you understand as you are not a plumber?

i) The toilet tank is not refilled quickly

Every toilet tank refills after a significant amount of flushing. When the process is quicker, you can be sure that all of the lines on your toilet set are okay. Any clog has not been seen here. But, when the toilet tank doesn’t fill up quickly, and you cannot remove the garbage from the surface within sufficient time, you can realize that the pipe inside is frozen.

ii) The faucet is not releasing water

When you turn the faucet anticlockwise, the water flow should turn on. But when it does not start or has slowed down, you have to guess that the problem is caused by the frozen toilet pipes.

Additional Tips

We discussed applying antifreeze to the toilet to remove the frozen condition of the toilet inside. There are several alternatives. Now, we are going to discuss them.

i) A room heater

A toilet pipe cannot be frozen if it is touched at a warm temperature. A room heater is an excellent piece of equipment for keeping your toilet warm in the winter or cold weather. You can turn on the heater when the water in the toilet pipe starts to freeze. Therefore, you can notice that the frozen water has melted gradually, and therefore your toilet can be unclogged easily.

iii) Close the windows

If the weather outside your bathroom is very cold, you must keep the windows closed. Therefore, the cold wind cannot enter your bathroom and cannot freeze up the water inside the toilet pipe.

Final verdict

Frozen water in the toilet pipe is a significant issue that must be solved. Otherwise, toilet users cannot find comfort in their toilets. The water inside the toilet pipes freezes when it stays inside the pipe for a long time in winter. This happens in regions where the temperature is too low and snowfall occurs.


Question: What is the purpose of putting antifreeze in toilets?
Answer: People sometimes use antifreeze in toilets to prevent the water in the bowl and tank from freezing in extremely cold temperatures, such as in a vacant house during winter.

Question:  What type of antifreeze is safe for toilets?
Answer:  If you must use antifreeze, non-toxic, propylene glycol-based antifreeze is safer for both the plumbing system and the environment compared to ethylene glycol-based antifreeze.

Question: How much antifreeze should be used in a toilet?
Answer: Use just enough antifreeze to displace the water in the bowl and tank if necessary. This amount varies, but a general guideline is about a half-gallon.

Question: Can antifreeze damage toilet components?
Answer: Yes, certain types of antifreeze can damage the rubber components in your toilet, leading to leaks and malfunction.

Question: Is antifreeze in toilets harmful to septic systems?
Answer: Yes, antifreeze can disrupt the bacterial balance in septic systems, leading to malfunction and environmental harm.

Question: What are the environmental concerns of using antifreeze in toilets?
Answer: Antifreeze, especially ethylene glycol-based, is toxic to the environment and can contaminate water sources if not disposed of properly.

Question: Are there alternatives to using antifreeze in toilets for freeze protection?
Answer: Yes, insulating the space, using heat tape, or draining the plumbing system are safer alternatives to using antifreeze.

Question: How should I dispose of antifreeze from a toilet?
Answer: Collect the antifreeze in a sealed container and take it to a hazardous waste disposal facility. Do not pour it down drains or on the ground.

Question: Can I use automotive antifreeze in my toilet?
Answer: No, automotive antifreeze is typically ethylene glycol-based and unsafe for home plumbing systems or the environment.

Question: What should I do if I accidentally spill antifreeze on the floor?
Answer: Clean it immediately, wear gloves, and ventilate the area. Dispose of the contaminated materials properly.

Question: Can antifreeze fumes be harmful if used in a toilet?
Answer: Yes, inhaling antifreeze fumes can be harmful. It’s important to use it in a well-ventilated area and avoid inhaling the vapors.

Question: Is there a risk of poisoning with antifreeze in toilets, especially with pets or children?
Answer: Yes, there is a significant poisoning risk, particularly with ethylene glycol-based antifreeze. Pets or children may be poisoned if they ingest contaminated water. Always keep toilets closed and out of reach if antifreeze is used.


Hi, I am Jose S. Franz. Currently, I am working as a professional plumber, and our team offers various plumbing services at an affordable price. After my college education, I completed a vocational certification course in plumbing systems and worked with several construction companies. Since then, I have fixed lots of different toilet models, from older to the latest versions. So I have more than 22 years of experience installing plumbing systems and toilets in both residential and commercial buildings.

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